Title: it's always the darkest before dawn II Bella & EdwardVidder: Woodstockieee Fandom: Twilight Saga Pairing/Characters: Edward/Bella Genre: Music Video
Title: Then this is where your life begins || Bella [EEE-Contest] Vidder: Woodstockieee Fandom: New Moon Pairing/Characters: Edward/Bella Genre: Music Video
Title: I want to believe you || Bella & Edward Vidder: Woodstockieee Fandom: Twilight Pairing/Characters: Bella/Edward Genre: Music Video/ I want to believe you - Lori Carson
Title: To me you're beautiful || Jacob & Bella Vidder: Woodstockieee Fandom: New Moon Pairing/Characters: Jacob/Bella Genre: Music Video/ "Strange and Beautiful" by Aqualung